Lent is a period of reflection and preparation for the sacrifice of Holy Week and the joys of Easter. It is an opportunity for spiritual growth, repentance, and renewal. We do this by making extra time during Lent for prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.
Lenten Mission: The Religion of the Day
at the Parishes of Sacred Heart and Divine Mercy
What is the new way of viewing the world that is replacing the Christian one? How do we respond to it? Discover how to battle against the world's unbelief, disloyalty in the Church, and the darkness within ourselves. Understand what is propelling the strategic planning process going on in our parishes.
Join Jeremy Bobak for prayer and worship.
Enjoy presentations by Father Seibt, Mr. Scott LeFor (University of Mary), Father Celentano, Deacon Jeffrey Dixe (Diocese of Syracuse) and Seminarian Douglas Villanella.
Wednesdays during Lent
March 12th (SH)
March 19th (DM)
March 26th no session
April 2nd (SH)
April 9th at (DM)
April 16th (SH)
6:30 - 7:30 PM: Prayer (Scripture and Song)
7:00 - 7:30 PM: Presentation
7:30 - 8:00 PM Small Group Discussion
8:00 PM Dismissal
Refreshments provided
The book "The Religion of the Day" is available on Amazon.com. (It is optional)
Diocesan Lenten Mission - Save The Date
Join us for the Diocesan Lenten Mission, a powerful journey of faith, prayer, and renewal as we prepare our hearts for Easter and celebrate the Jubilee Year!
Tuesday, April 1st - Syracuse
The evening will feature an inspiring talk from keynote speaker John Beauleu, witness testimonies, and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament with Bishop Lucia.
Stay tuned for more details as we draw closer to Lent. Mark your calendars and invite a friend!
Ash Wednesday: 1:00 - 6:30 PM (SH only)
Every Friday: 3:30 - 6:30 PM (SH and DM)
Good Friday: 3:30 - 6:30 PM (DM only)
Take-out or dine in. Orders will not be taken by phone ahead of time.
State of the Parish Report 2023-2024
Mass Intentions
The intention of every Mass is that the suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ be for the salvation of the whole world. Specific intentions and needs (e.g. for the living and the dead) can be joined to this intention. The parish will begin scheduling Mass intentions on Monday, December 2nd for the new year. Please note the following:
1. The suggested offering for each Mass in the Diocese of Syracuse is $15.00. The offering is given to the priest as part of his livelihood. Priests may only receive one offering per day unless the law of the Church provides otherwise. Additional offerings will be used at the parish to provide for the mission of the Church.
2. One intention is offered at each Mass except on Thursdays and Saturdays. At the 8:00 AM daily Mass on Thursdays, multiple intentions will be offered. At the 4:00 PM anticipated Mass on Saturdays, multiple intentions will be offered. Please note that when selecting these Mass times, you are agreeing to combine your intention with other intentions.
3. One Mass on Sundays and one Mass on holy days of obligation is always offered for the people of the parish. Please note that other intentions may not be offered at this time or joined to this intention.
4. Each family may select up to three dates to have specific intentions offered at Mass. Additional intentions will be placed on a list and scheduled based on the availability of Masses this year. Please indicate the following when asking to have an intention offered at Mass: (a) the dates you would like to have the additional intentions you submit offered, (b) whether it is okay to combine your additional intentions with others, (c) whether it is okay to send your additional intentions and the offerings associated with them elsewhere to be offered (e.g. another parish, the missions, etc.).
The Apple Festival at Sacred Heart was so much fun this year! Thank you to everyone who came out and all of the wonderful volunteers whose hard work made the day such a success!
A Letter From Father Seibt:
Dear Friends,
Greetings in the Lord!
A few years ago, Bishop Lucia encouraged the diocesan staff to read the book From Christendom to Apostolic Mission by Monsignor Shea, the president of the University of Mary in Bismark, North Dakota.
In this short work, Msgr. Shea masterfully describes a seismic shift that has taken place. We have gone from a society when Christianity and the culture were pretty much on the same page and Christians were living the Christian life well (going to Mass, being active in the parishes, etc.) to a time when the culture needs to be evangelized once again with the Good News of the Gospel.
We are experiencing the effects of this shift in our time: attendance at Mass and in faith formation programs is low, parishes are merging, etc. Over the past few months, the Catholic Sun has published the most current data for each Vicariate and the numbers are startling. Yet, this is our time to be the missionary disciples the Lord calls us to be and allow the Lord to lead us.
In Lent of 2024 a few parishes came together to reflect on From Christendom to Apostolic Mission. The presentations that were given can be viewed by clicking here. I encourage you to watch them and reflect on the important topics discussed. The material provided can be used during days of reflection, parish missions, Lenten workshops, etc.
In my work of assisting parishes through the canonical processes of reconfiguration, it is clear that we all need to continue to process the seismic shift that has taken place so that we can see the bigger picture and focus on what really matters: the salvation of souls. Rather than giving into the discouragement that comes from experiencing change, we can be encouraged by the grace of God at work within us, his Body, the Church. We can be encouraged by the fact that the Lord has chosen us to carry out the mission of the Church in our time.
Thank you for your kind attention to this important matter. Be assured of my continued prayers and support, particularly in the processes of reconfiguration that are taking place.
In Christ,
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Making Reparation for Sin: Sexual Abuse and the Church of Syracuse
Chapter 11 Reorganization Proceedings: Contribution to the Victims' Trust Fund
On Site Counseling Services at Sacred Heart
This is a free service for children and adults and only your insurance company will be billed.
Robert Newberry, MED, CAS, LMHC
Mondays, from 3:00-7:00 PM by appointment only.
To make an appointment, call: 315-556-8220
and mention you are from Sacred Heart Church.